Monday, February 12, 2007

Too much of happiness a bad thing?

Been sometime since I blogged..and to be honest, didn't really miss it. That proves I'm not getting addicted to it. Point proven, so now moving on...

Want to know something ironical? Sometime back, a lil' miracle happened to me which made me believe that it is possible to win over "Fate" at times. I had been thinking of blogging about it..but before I could let out a contented sigh, "Fate" has played a small (but weighty) role in my life, altering the events. So now, I'm blogging about Fate rather than about miracle. Weird, right?

Ever faced a situation where just when you think everythingz happening so perfectly, something or the other turns up to foil it? Happened to me quite recently. Was really looking forward to something and right when everything was going perfectly as planned...BAM..Whoooooooooooooshhhhhhhh..SLAM DUNK!!! Hit me where it pained most. Still facing the brunt of the incident..waiting for something worse to come actually... the only consolation is that whatever that had happened was not the worst thing that could have happened to could have been much worse..probably there is hope at the end of the tunnel. But one needs confidence to walk to the end of the tunnel, and that's hard after a fall.

But really, I haven't lost faith. Probably God will alter the events again. I kinda make myself believe whatever happened for a reason, a reason which I do not know right now, probably bcoz I couldn't foresee the future. These kind of incidents happens to everyone. No one is devoid of troubles..nobody, except God? And that makes me wonder, whether Fate has a role to play only in humans' life or in God's life too. Ramayana and Mahabharata, you say? Those are the religious mythologies..I am speaking about God and Fate. Can't think of any.

Well..whatever it is, why does Fate play a major role in every ones life? Why couldn't everyone lead a happy peaceful life..a life in which Fate does not play a harmful role? Is too much of happiness such a bad thing?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Believer.. I am again!!! Not that blogging is turning into an addiction for me(not yet at least) but I kinda like writing. And also, a couple of my friends glanced through my blog(BTW, leaving NO comments whatsoever) and asked me the reason for naming my blog as 'Believer'. After which, we had a good discussion about stuff that I believe in, and she believes in..and what we are supposed to believe but end up in not believing, and what or who we shd never believe in and end up belief changes your cut the story short, a whole evening of Beliefs and Believers! It was an interesting discussion. So I felt like jotting down a few lines of what we spoke.

Sometimes in life we would have been told by others - relatives, friends, sometimes even everyone you might know, that a thing you believe in and would love to happen is NOT possible to happen. There must definitely be some instances in life when this would have been true for everyone, I'm sure! Its just then you would have to stand your ground and say to yourself 'I BELIEVE IN MYSELF. I am going to make this happen, whatever anyone says'. That's where your belief plays the part in altering your future. Its the extent of your belief which changes your life. Its your belief which makes you attain the ultimate goal which you aim for. Read the book 'the Alchemist'. It would speak volumes about it.

When you have done everything possible for you to do to attain your belief, and at the end, you have not been successful..Don't lose heart. The end result happened for a reason... which you might not understand at that point in life, but later you would. Believe that it happened for a reason. And work from there. If you sit and think about it, you would realise that you had attained a rich experience out of it(however worse or good the experiences might have been, it would def. be rich!)

Whatever the thing is, Belief is what it takes. Be a Believer.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Why do people blog??

Well..this is a first! I have always wondered why people pen their thoughts and make it known to the whole wide world. Is it because they feel important when someone reads their blog and leaves a comment? When you really think about it, isn't it kinda similar to people sitting in front of you and listening to you when you go on and on about what you are thinking about life..or friends..or family..or anything on this earth?? See I am doing it too!! I am talking about what I am feeling..which still haven't answered my question of why people blog..

Probably it is like a personal diary which you maintain..except that it is kept wide open, where everyone can have a look at it and can feel free to comment on it. Ironical, isn't it..:)..It is a cool idea though! It gives way to an outlet, a way to express oneself freely, frankly and honestly about what goes on in ones mind. I have read some blogs, they speak a lot of the people who write it..the way they write their thoughts, it shows you the way they look at life. Well, me, by now, you might have judged that I am trying to be philosophical, but failing so badly at it..:)..

The reason I started blogging u ask? well..I just thought of giving it a try and see how it goes..probably everyone might have started like this. who mite turn into an addiction too! Anyone felt the same way?